Prepare Yourself: Opioid use Surging in Texas
Know the Dangers of Opioids Opioid medications are being prescribed for anything from headaches to major pain issues. Individuals with long-term pain issues find themselves being dependent on opioids to survive their day. Many people prescribed Opioid pain pills for short-term pain end up taking the drugs for months or even years beyond their initial injury. Recently, an article noted that Katy, TX law enforcement has seen the number of Opioid prescriptions double over the last few years for citizens in the area. As coverage across the nation surges in regards to deceptive marketing tactics of some of the Opioid pill makers, it is becoming vital for people to become aware of the dangers of Opioid use, as well as drug rehab centers which can assist with addiction or dependency issues. We have seen big pharma begin to admit they deceptively pushed the Opioids onto users over these last decades. So, thousands of people in America who shouldn't have been given the ...